Out with the old, in with the new

Hello Sheinbaum, Airbnb restrictions & Rarámuri runners

Hola amigos 👋

This week, we’re diving into Claudia Sheinbaum’s first days as Mexico’s president. From her inauguration to her early policies, we’ll explore her moves so far and what they mean for the country’s future.

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Let’s dive in!  



Claudia Sheinbaum’s First Week as Mexico’s President

It’s been one week since Claudia Sheinbaum took office as Mexico’s president. So, how has her start been?

Tell me more.

After being sworn in last Tuesday, Sheinbaum wasted no time getting to work. In her inaugural address, she emphasized her commitment to governing inclusively, promising to "govern for everyone."

Following her inauguration and a formal luncheon at the National Palace with world leaders and dignitaries, Sheinbaum addressed a massive crowd of roughly 400,000 enthusiastic supporters in Mexico City’s Zócalo, where she outlined 100 key commitments for her presidency.

The next day, she held her first mañanera (morning briefing), a tradition started by her predecessor. In contrast to the long and often confrontational briefings of the past, Sheinbaum’s style was more restrained, in line with her background as a scientist and academic. She introduced a schedule of daily themes: Healthy Mondays, Humanistic Tuesdays, Myth-busting Wednesdays, Women in History Thursdays, and Patriotic Fridays.

What does this mean?

In terms of the economy, the peso showed some strength, appreciating over 2% against the U.S. dollar during Sheinbaum’s first week. But can this early momentum translate into a true "super peso"? Only time will tell.

On the policy front, Sheinbaum announced her intention to raise the minimum wage by 12% annually during her six-year term, with a target of exceeding 10,000 pesos per month. This ambitious plan reflects her focus on economic growth and social equity.

However, her first week wasn’t without challenges. Nearly 500 homicides were reported, with escalating violence in Guanajuato and Sinaloa. In response, Sheinbaum unveiled her security strategy, emphasizing a commitment to reduce homicides and ‘pacify the country.’

🩺 A guide to the best hospitals in Mexico City

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About the Rarámuri runners? Also known as the Tarahumara, they are Indigenous people from the northern Mexican state of Chihuahua, particularly in the Sierra Madre mountains. Famous for their extraordinary long-distance running abilities, they often win races, even in ultra-marathons. Running in sandals or barefoot, they’ve been known to cover up to 200 miles in a single run, and their endurance and connection to nature have made them legendary among athletes worldwide.


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